That event, the second coming of Christ, is the next step in God's plan to bring about the fulfilment of His promise to His Son that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. 因此,按著神的旨意,万物都要向祂儿子基督跪拜的应许,便在基督再来的时候得著成就。
It was Iike the second coming of christ. 好象是耶稣的二次降临。
The church that prepares to meet the second coming of Jesus Christ. 是预备迎见基督再临的荣耀教会。
Ultimately, for reasons I did not quite follow but which have nothing to do with the London Olympics, he says they predict the Second Coming of Christ, expected to take place in2012. 最终,有我也不太明白的原因,但与伦敦奥运会无关,他说它们预测基督的第二次到来,预计将在2012年发生。
Is a sign of the second coming of the christ. 象征着救世主的第二次到来。
In theology, the study of "final things," such as death, resurrection, immortality, the second coming of Christ, and the day of judgment. 在神学方面,研究的“最后的东西”,如死亡,复活,永生,耶稣第二次来,一天的判断。
Seriously people, if you think Goodkind is the Second Coming of Christ to the fantasy genre, you haven't read any real fantasy books yet. 严肃地说,如果你认为古坎德对于奇幻界犹如耶稣再世,那是因为你从没读过任何一部他的著作。
In reality it is a picture of the second coming of Christ. 现实中的「危机」,就是我们都在等候基督的再来。
In the first part of this season, we focus more on the second coming in glory of Christ; readings will be about the final coming of Christ. 将临期的第一段时期,我们注目于基督的光荣再来,读经皆与此有关;